– Blue Label vs Red Label

Blue Label and Red Label colours Colour additives (colour powders which are mixed into products to colour it) are available from BARCO for use in food as either “BLUE LABEL” or “RED LABEL” colours. BLUE LABEL colours dissolve in water. By mixing the powder...

– Edible Glue/Stick Stuff

How to make Sticky Stuff /Gum Glue/Edible Glue Add 2 tablespoons of warm water to a quarter teaspoon of CMC Powder and allow the CMC powder to dissolve. Leave it in the refrigerator overnight and in the morning you will have the perfect edible, clear glue. It...

– CMC GUMPASTE explained

GUMPASTE explained: To create a quick gum pastes with fondant just add 1 – 3 tsps. of CMC powder to 1lb of fondant. Dry humidity areas use less CMC and High humidity areas use more CMC. Knead it in very well through your fondant. If you...

– Blending your own COLOURS

COLOR BLENDING:  Colour: Parts:     Black Because it takes such a strong concentration of colour to produce black, it is easier to buy black colour. Start with a dark brown colour or chocolate icing (made with melted chocolate and/or cocoa) and add...

– Mixing your own COLOURS

MIXING YOUR OWN COLOURS Using a color wheel will help you learn to mix food coloor gels and powders to get the colors you want. Color mixing will add detail and excitement to your work. The PRIMARY colors are YELLOW, RED and BLUE. No combination of colors can create...

– Tips when using powder COLOURS

Icing Colours: Powder colour is designed for colouring icing, chocolate, royal icing, fondant, marzipan etc. They are concentrated and will give vivid or deep colours without changing the consistency of your icing. Mixing Colour in Icing: Mix powder colour with a tiny...

– Tips when making CHOCOLATES

MELTING CHOCOLATE Before you begin make sure all your utensils are dry. Water causes chocolate to harden and streak. Microwave Oven: Melt choc at 50% power and stir/squeeze every 20s. As soon as the choc is melted pour, squirt or squeeze the choc into the moulds from...